Canine Massage
I am currently half-way through a two-year LANTRA accredited diploma in canine clinical massage with Natalie Lenton's K9 Massage Guild
Canine Health
Certificate in Dog First Aid
Diploma in Applied Herbal Choices (zoopharmacognosy) with Jo Rose Holistic Therapy.
Applied Equine Behaviour Workshop with Sue Gardner: Part 1 Why Does My Horse...?
Applied Equine Behaviour Workshop with Sue Gardner: Part 2 Why Does My Horse...?
Applied Equine Behaviour Workshop with Sue Gardner: Horse Personalities
Delegate at The Puppy Conference, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Workshop seminar on Fear Aggression with Dr Muriel Brasseur from the Oxfordshire Animal Behaviour Centre.
Workshop seminar on ARBs (abnormal repetitive behaviours) with Dr Muriel Brasseur from the Oxfordshire Animal Behaviour Centre.
Workshop on Scent Detection with Anne Lill Kvam
Workshop on Canine Anatomy and Correct Harness Fitting
Delegate at Victoria Stilwell’s Dog Bite Prevention Conference, Kingston-Upon-Thames
Introduction to Applied Zoopharmacognosy with Karen Webb of Paws Crossed
Coursera Canine Cognition course hosted by Dr Brian Hare
Canine Behavioural Adjustment Training seminar with Grisha Stewart: leash skills and practical application of BAT to help reactive dogs.
Workshop seminar on separation anxiety and related issues hosted by animal behaviourist Dr Muriel Brasseur from the Oxfordshire Animal Behaviour Centre.
Introduction to Canine Massage with Dr Les Ellam of AchyPaw
Mission Statement/My professional aims are:
To offer clients a portfolio of skills and knowledge to help support health and behavioural issues.
To educate owners about using herbs and essential oils to support lifelong health and wellbeing for their animals.
To promote child-dog safety awareness. I co-hosted (with Lara Leslie of Press Play)
an after-school club where kids created flip-book animations to illustrate safe behaviour around dogs.
To promote the correct fitting and use of harnesses for dog walking. I stock and fit Perfect Fit harnesses.
To promote a greater understanding of ethical animal training.